Publicações | Publications


CARMES, A.A.; SÜHS, R.B.; FIASCHI, P. & DECHOUM, M.S. 2025. Invasiveness in Schefflera s.l.: do non-native species outperform phylogenetically related native species? Biota Neotropica, 25(1): e20241691.

PILON et al. 2025. Open letter: There are more than trees and forests to conserved and restored. Plants People Planet,

RICHETTI, E.; DECHOUM, M. S. & LUSA, M. G. 2025. Unravelling the Effect of Proximity to the Shore on the Structure and Diversity of Herbaceous Vegetation on Coastal Sand Dunes. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física, 18(1), 492–517.


DECHOUM, M. S. & FIGUEIREDO, A. L. C. B. 2024. Definição de método de controle para vimeiros invasores (Salix x rubens). Bio Diverso, 4, Art. 4e1: 1-13.

SÜHS, R.B.; DALOTTO, C.E.S.; CASTELLANI, T.T.; PUGNAIRE, F.I.; DECHOUM, M.S. 2024. Plant‑plant interactions in a subtropical coastal community. Plant Ecology,

MARCINIAK, B.; PERONI, N.; TRAVESET, A. & DECHOUM, M.S. 2024. Effects of the control of an invasive tree on the structure of a plant–frugivore network. Ecological Applications, 10.1002/eap.3037

FIGUEIREDO, A.L.C.B.; FUTADA, S.M., de LIMA, R.F.; PACHECO, P.; PARRA, L.B.; PUECHAGUT, P.B.; de SIQUEIRA, C.E. & DECHOUM, M.S. 2024. Baseline data and recommendations to decrease the introduction and spread of invasive non-native species in federal and state protected areas in Brazil. Biological Invasions.

DECHOUM, M.S.; JUNQUEIRA, A.O.R.; ORSI, M.L.; ZILLER, S.R.; PIVELLO, V.R.; ZENNI, R.D.; FONSECA, A.C.; VITULE, J.; BARROS, F.; IVANAUSKAS, N.M.; CREED, J.; BRITO, M.; BERGALLO, H.G.; ROCHA, R. & GALHEIGO, F. 2024. Thematic assessment report on invasive alien species in Brazil: summary for policymakers. Biota Neotropica, 24 (2):

NOVOA, A.; VMERCATI, G.; BRUNDU, G.; RICHARDSON, D. M. SCHAFFNER, U.; BRUNORI, A.; CAMPAGNARO, T.; CANAVAN, S.; CELESTI-GRAPOW, L.; DECHOUM, M.; DEHNEN-SCHMUTZ, K.; DUFOUR-DROR, J-M.; ESSL, F.; FLORY, L.; JÄGER, H.; JOSHI, J.; KARMANN, M.; LANGDON, B.; LAPIN, K.; LE ROUX, J.; LOZANO, V.; MASIERO, M.; MEYERSON, L. A.; NUÑEZ, M. A.; PAUCHARD, A.; PERGL, J.; PORTÉ, A. J.; Pyšek, P.;  Pyšková, J.; RODRIGUEZ, J.; SHACKLETON, R. T.; SILVA, S. J. SITZIA, T.; VERGRUGGE, L.; VITKOVÁ, M.; WELDESEMAET, Y. T.; WESTERGREN, M. & WILSON, J. R. U. 2024. Stakeholders’ views on the global guidelines for the sustainable use of non-native trees. People and Nature,

SARNEEL et al. 2024. Reading tea leaves worldwide: Decoupled drivers of initial litter decomposition mass-loss rate and stabilization. Ecology Letters, 27(5): e14415.

OVERBECK, G. E.; TOMA, T. S. P.; SILVEIRA-FILHO, R. R.; DECHOUM, M. S.; FONSÊCA, N. C.; GRELLE, C. E. V.; GUIMARÃES, A. F.; NEGREIROS, D.; NUNES, A. V.; OLIVEIRA, H. F. M.; PEREIRA, C. C.; PERILLO, L. N.; ROCHA, T. C.; RODRIGUES, D. J.; ROQUE, F. O.; STREIT, H.; PILLAR, V. D. & FERNANDES, G. W. 2024. Brazil’s natural grasslands under attack. Science, 384: 168-169(2024).DOI:10.1126/science.adp4923

TOMA, T. S. P.; OLIVEIRA, H. F. M.; OVERBECK, G. E.; GRELLE, C. E. V.; ROQUE, F. O.; NEGREIROS, D. RODRIGUES, D. J. GUIMARÃES, A. F.; STREIT, H.; DECHOUM, M. S.; FONSÊCA, N. C.; ROCHA, T. C.; PEREIRA, C. C.; GARDA, A. A.; BERGALLO, H. G.; DOMINGOS, F. M. C. B. & FERNANDES, G. W. 2024. Aim for heterogeneous biodiversity restoration. Science, 383: 376. DOI: 10.1126/science.adn3767

LARSEN J. G.; DA SILVA A. C.; DECHOUM, M. S.; FREITAS, E. M.; GOMES, J. P.; STEDILLE, L. I. B.; CARVALHO, J.; HIGUCHI, P. 2024. Diversity, species coexistence and functional composition patterns in subtropical Atlantic Forests invaded by non-native trees. Functional Ecology, 38:327-337.


BECKER, L. 0.; SÜHS, R. B. & DECHOUM, M. S. 2023. Understanding willow invasion in subtropical highlands. Biological Invasions,

SÜHS, R. B.; ZILLER, S. R. & DECHOUM, M. S. 2023. Is the use of drones cost-effective and efficient in detecting invasive alien trees? A case study from a subtropical coastal ecosystem. Biological Invasions, 26:357-363.

OVERBECK, G. E.; MÜLLER, S. C.; MONTEIRO, M. M.; DURIGAN, G.; DECHOUM, M. S.; SAMPAIO, A. B.; GUIDO, A.; TURCHETTO, C.; TORNQUIST, C. G.; VÉLEZ-MARTIN, E.; SOSINSKI JUNIOR, E. E.; SILVEIRA, F.; PINTO JUNIOR, H. V.; STAUDE, I.; MENEZES, L. S.; ANAND, M.; CARLUCCI, M. B.; ROSENFIELD, M.; BAEZA, S. Campos e savanas precisam entrar no debate público sobre conservação e restauração ecológica. Sinbiose/CNPq, 2023, 4p. Disponível em (versão em Português, version in English)

FELIZARDO, L. V.; MARCINIAK, B.; DECHOUM, M. S. 2023. A ocorrência de cães domésticos invasores é positivamente influenciada por um maior potencial de uso público em trilhas. Oecologia Australis, 27(4):

STAUDE, I. R.; SEGAR, J. S.; TEMPERTON, V. M.; ANDRADE, B. O.; DECHOUM, M. S.; WEIDLICH, E. W. A.; OVERBECK, G. E. 2023. Prioritize grassland restoration to bend the curve of biodiversity loss. Restoration Ecology, 31(5): e13931.


FRIDLEY, J. D.; BELLINGHAM, P. J.; CLOSET-KOPP, D.; DAEHLER, C. C.; DECHOUM, M. S.; MARTIN, P. H.; MURPHY, H. T.; ROJAS-SANDOVAL, J. & TNG, D. 2022. A general hypothesis of forest invasions by woody plants based on whole-plant carbon economics. Journal of Ecology, 111(1): 4-22.

MORILLO, J. A.; DECHOUM, M. S.; PUGNAIRE, F. I. 2022. The role of soil communities on the germination of a pioneer tree species in the Atlantic rainforest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 172, 108762.

MARCINIAK, B.; MACHADO, L. P.; CAMPOS, L. L. F.; HIROTA, M.; DECHOUM, M. S. 2022. Direct and indirect effects of an invasive non‑native tree on coastal plant communities. Plant Ecology,

OVERBECK, G. E.; VÉLEZ-MARTIN, E.; MENEZES, L. S.; ANAND, M.; BAEZA, S.; CARLUCCI, M. B.; DECHOUM, M. S.; DURIGAN, G.; FIDELIS, A.; GUIDO, A.; MORO, M. F.; MUNHOZ, C. B. R.; REGINATO, M.; RODRIGUES, R. S.; ROSENFIELD, M. F.; SAMPAIO, A. B.; SILVA, F. H. B.; DA SILVEIRA, F. A.O.; SOSINSKI, E. E.; STAUDE, I. R. TEMPERTON, V. M.; TURCHETTO, C.; VELDMAN, J. W.; VIANA, P. L.; ZAPPI, D. C. , et al. 2022. Placing Brazil’s grasslands and savannas on the map of science and conservation. Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics, 56,

ZENNI, R. D.; HERRERA, I., DECHOUM, M. S.; ZILLER, S. R.; MATOS, A. C. L.; NUÑEZ, C. I.; NUÑEZ, M. A.; PAUCHARD, A. 2022. Plant Invasions in South America. In: Clements, D.R., Upadhyaya, M.K., Joshi, S., Shrestha, A. (eds) Global Plant Invasions. Springer, Cham.


WOLFSDORF G.; ABRAHÃO A.; D’ANGIOLI A. M.; DECHOUM M. S.; MEIRELLES S. T.; PECORAL L. F. L.; ROWLAND L.; VERONA L. S.; SCHMIDT I. B.; SAMPAIO A. B. & OLIVEIRA R. S. 2021. Inoculum origin and soil legacy can shape plant–soil feedback outcomes for tropical grassland restoration. Restoration Ecology, 29(8), DOI: 10.1111/rec.13455.